The movies contained in this folder are provided for your use and experimentation. They may be used and distributed as part of your creations, royalty free, as long as the movies are not broadcast or distributed with the purpose of being used as media that can be integrated into other creations.
For optimal performance when editing or playing back QuickTime movies, copy a movie to your hard drive.
Macromedia folder
Cool movies about or made with Macromedia products. These movies require a double-speed CD—ROM drive to play correctly.
Form & Function folder
These movies are from the WraptureReels One CD. They provide examples of animated textures that can be composited with other QuickTime movies or still images.
Contact Form & Function at:
(tel) 415-644-4010
(fax) 415-644-4030
TV-ROM folder
The movies and sounds in this folder are taken from BMUGs TV-ROM Too CD which contains over 500 QuickTime movies. The fractal images were created with the Expression filter in Adobe Premiere and are especially effective if looped. They can be shortened or lengthened by cutting and pasting with the MoviePlayer (contained on the SoundEdit 16 CD). Special thanks to the authors and John Karr and Mike Dery of The Panther Moderns.